Airport CEO Alpha 34 released (The R&D Update)

Btw, are there any plans or intention to bring back runway extension? Disabling this made the game unplayable for me, as i cant stand the short runways, makes my airport look like a big parking lot with a tiny runway over there.

Now i know one player (me) wont make any difference to your business, but please give some love for those of us who like realistic airport dimensions and would like to play this again…


Why does the sandbox mode also complete all R&D projects? It takes the fun out of it. :neutral_face:

I think Sandbox mode for now is meant for players who do not want to mess around with anything else…

On the long run I would really wish to have a customizeable sandbox mode, allowing me to choose r&d, amount of money, flight limits, runway limits, …


I like this idea! :smiley:

Larger runways are now an unlocked item under the R&D section. When you unlock medium planes it brings the medium runway with it, and same for large.

Taking away the ability to extend runways was a wrong decision. Now you have to demolish the runway and build a new one… :man_facepalming:
However you have to live with small runways at first until the R&D project is finished.

Playing with unlimited money takes the fun out of it.
I use sandbox mode only for planning.

Well, even the larger runway (the one for large planes) is still visually too short, it breaks the immersion, makes the airport look “gamey”. I dislike this, i wanted to be able to extend the runway to more realistic lenghts, like before, but this ability got taken away… So i asked if this can be brought back in anyway, even during beta, i dunno.

I know how R&D works, its the visuals that bother me.


Really? They’re leaving huge amount of space behind them–it’s not that small of a bug.

I agree hopefully extending runways will be back in beta. But it’s all up to devs :wink:


I really like that new R&D feature. Although it is quite unbalanced. Especially when it comes to mid and large runways. I had to research almost everything until I got access to the large runway which was kinda weird. The ability to build and allow larger aircrafts should be splitted up. That way a CEO could plan ahead with building the required infrastructure and then aquiring the needed license to operate larger aircrafts.


Sorry to tell bad news, but unfortunately ACEO-23668 will tell the opposite. :frowning:
Seems to be much less frequent but I just got another overlapping case.

Edit: And just short afterwards another case. So once it starts, it happens as frequent as before.

Don’t recall if this has been mentioned before, but I seem to have an issue with medium planes being planned by existing airline contracts (Alpha 34.6-1). Only after I signed a couple of other contracts finally some medium flights were booked and after another in game day also the existing airliners started to plan flights. Does this have to do with the new rating system that they first want to see what others do before they start to award you with flights? I don’t think it’s a bug as such, because now I do have flights scheduled from almost all contracted airliners and yes they do have medium planes in their contract :wink:

Also seemed that I had to built a bagage system first before any medium plane was planned. But all this can be my noob-inesh on A34, as I was not able to test that much so far and had finally some time this weekend to enjoy myself and built on my little airport and expand it with medium stands :relaxed:

I’ve reported bug ACEO-23615 (delivery trucks don’t find way to catering depot), I guess about 20-30 minutes ago.
Just now they found their way. I didn’t change anything but just waited all the time (game running in normal speed). It seems the road pathfinding doesn’t work very well here with newly built roads. Astar queue 0 all the time, Av Astar Calc 1.71ms with Cached ratio 62%. At least it’s not a problem with too much in the queue.

How long did you let that airport run? Which one was it? Could you describe everything in more detail?

Well, that entire system is up for a fix in relation to Alpha 35 so nothing we’ll look at as part of 34. 35 features an airline overhaul and hopefully we’ll get the airline rating systems in order by that.


Had the airport run for a few hours already, all the time default speed. Then changed to double speed and the problem occured after maybe 30-40 minutes playing with that speed.
Same behaviour like before, a new flight was scheduled in the past. The screenshot attached to the new bug report shows the first overlaying flight in flight planner. I can’t tell anymore which of the two overlapping flights was scheduled later, but if you load the savegame and open the flight process monitor it’s the one shown on top of the list with long delay (the originally planned flight for that time had left already).

We will look into it, will however still deploy 34.6-1 as its noticeably less frequent.

Yes of course, currently it’s already much better. Every little bit helps. :slight_smile:

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I’ve also had pathfinding problems for deliveries. They were caused by tunnel pieces with no road attached on the lower side. Every vehicle coming to the airport was affacted: cars, taxi’s, busses, delivery trucks. Even though the tunnel piece was somewhere they needed to be (everything was topside reachable without tunnel), it must have been blocking the pathfinding calculation.

It’s something were aware of and will look at after the Alpha 35 internal sprint is done.