Airport CEO Beta 5 released

Thanks for reply, but it’s a shame to hear that it won’t be looked at as it was mentioned in a previous post and I think one of your colleagues you asked to look into it but appreciate there may be other priorities.

It’s shame for night flights that we can’t have some flexibility to allow one coffee shop or one convenience store to open to serve those passengers, or to avoid the stampede at 4am (i think?) to whichever opens first once the first auto planned flights are already crowding the terminal (this can cause passengers to route via other facilities to whichever opened first, often walking from a distant seating area, to a shop/food nearest to where the franchise staff enter from).

Will keep fingers crossed but understand there will be other priorities :slight_smile:


To be fair he did say its something they’re currently not looking at, which makes sense since they’re primarily focusing on bug fixing right now and that’s more of an expanded feature.

I think you might have been referring also to the service/public road tunnels (not the world entrances) also?

Would be great if we can control with one way arrows the up/down tunnels for service/public roads

Both - tunnels and the new (to me) world entrances.

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Since Beta 5 i’ve noticed my airside busses are taking up to 1 game hour after the final passenger gets onto the bus (departures) before they then start driving towards the stand causing delays.

Anyone else experiencing same? I noticed it in an airport with a long driving distance, so tested a much shorter distance, same issue. They aren’t leaving the bus bay until just before departure leaving no time for boarding.

This is causing 0% airline satisfaction as each remote boarding flight is being delayed an hour or more.

Asking here first before bug reporting :slight_smile: Interested if any other players find the same issue if you watch the bus fill up 100% of expected customers, does it dispatch to the stand very last minute?

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Yes, I have something like this on my expanded map. Haven’t tested and reportet it on my normal map yet.

For large remote stands where I use two bus stops, one bus leaves correct and the 2nd bus is waiting very very long until it departs. Even when all passengers have passed the boarding desk. On medium stands it also takes very long until they leave.

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I think… there was discussion a while back about this and it was tweaked. My guess is the bus should leave once the last passenger gets onboard the bus OR it dispatches once the queue is gone and leaves behind anyone at a certain cut off point to avoid delaying the flight.

I know it used to be a bug that the bus and it’s flight would deadlock, so it’s great that is now fixed :slight_smile: but maybe there is a minor tweak needed to let the bus leave as soon as it can.

I purposely add extra automatic boarding gates on my remote gates, to ensure they get onto the bus quickly to reach the stand in good time :slight_smile: But current situation means it is no longer a benefit to speed up the boarding gates, as the bus will wait right until last minute (medium stands I’m talking about)

I cant find the update moment, but I remember emails would be purged after a certain amount of time after a recent update.

But, it seems all my SAVED emails are gone now too, was that me making a mistake? or were they purged?

24 hour intervals are not applied in all categories in Statistics.

We’re back! Happy new years to everyone, feels great to be back. Beta 5.1-2 rolling out now on the experimental branch with an important fix for the stalling security staff (and potentially other stalling persons as well). We’ll supply another beta 5 update tomorrow but on Wednesday we’ll start working on beta 6 with some of the final content before the full release, and of course increasingly more bug fixing. We’ll make sure to set some time away later this month for another dev blog.

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Beta 5.1-2


  • [ACEO-39255] - Rotating objects can in extremely rare instances thrown uncaught null reference exceptions
  • [ACEO-39471] - Single road lanes adjacent to transit structures are interpreted as reverse one-way lanes
  • [ACEO-39536] - Heavily increased subway weight in pax airport departure ratio calc
  • [ACEO-39776] - Saving and then reloading can cause pathfinding systems to complete stall and deadlock
  • [ACEO-39783] - Stand boarding desk connector visible on all floors
  • [ACEO-39845] - Heavily displaced passengers do not immediately resort to teleport
  • [ACEO-40008] - Rare uncaught exception can cause planning mode actions to break
  • [ACEO-40050] - Incorrect number comparison can cause admins in some instances to not find available office desks
  • [ACEO-40073] - If passengers cannot snack or relieve themselves they will never perform purchases at stores potentially softlocking the tutorial progression
  • [ACEO-40080] - Removing terminal foundation on upper floor with terminal below causes grass to render until floor refresh
  • [ACEO-40083] - Runway ramps now upgradable via runway ramp panel
  • [ACEO-40085] - Missing null reference check in interaction dependency object system can cause some passangers to deadlock
  • [ACEO-40087] - Orphaned aircraft can get stuck next to runways

Welcome back team :slight_smile:


I had a strange issue where trying to save a game in 5.1-2 (a game I started in 5.1-1), it froze before completing the save, and I cannot even force quit the application. I had to leave it in the background and then log out of my user profile on Windows completely.

This is great, thank you.


Yes, my thought exactly!


I am noticing staff are freezing after arriving via subway, and others will freeze around vending machines. Some staff will act normal, move, and take job tasks, but thee frozen ones will not - they will not even move after a save & reload. This leaves some job tasks never getting claimed for some reason. I did also notice that all staff have dismal hunger and restroom needs statistics.

I’m pretty sure that was your bug that I fixed then, are those staff assigned to a terminal?

:sweat: it’s always the simplest answers with me. SORRY!


Well there’s been multiple reports on this so we’ve patched it so that employees with no terminal assignment, located inside a terminal area, will automatically be assigned to that terminal. Should fix the confusion! :slight_smile:


It seems that auto-assign upon arrival is not working for me still.

Bug 40157.

“I am noticing the auto-assign employees to terminal function is not working. I only have one terminal, and I still have to manually add new employees to it.”

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Beta 5.1-3 coming online now, with the following fixes…

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Beta 5.1-3


  • [ACEO-39165] - Franchise sales unmet warning text not always removed despite sales target being met
  • [ACEO-39482] - Certain node tile types will always render on ground floor
  • [ACEO-39657] - Unlocking all runway ramp options can cause the variations panel to clip out of screen
  • [ACEO-40061] - Aircraft can in rare instance perform U-turns when exiting de-icing pads
  • [ACEO-40079] - Player is not instructed on high check-in desk load due to too few being constructe and incorrectly percieve waiting staff as pathfinding issue
  • [ACEO-40113] - Aircraft can in some rare instance not invoke pushbacks from hangars
  • [ACEO-40115] - Moved "is inside" check to per-node basis to slightly reduce performance overhead
  • [ACEO-40118] - Vehicles spawned via under ground world entrance tunnels do not set floor correctly
  • [ACEO-40119] - Airports which heavily relies on parking lots for passenger to and from transit can in certain instances not operate very well
  • [ACEO-40122] - Passenger and baggage handling fee rating evaluation curve not correctly initialized causing them to be disregarded in airport rating system
  • [ACEO-40124] - Staff located inside terminal area but with no terminal assignment now automatically assigned to that terminal to avoid stuck appearance
  • [ACEO-40125] - Increasing UI scale can cause parts of UI to clip out of screen
  • [ACEO-40129] - World entrance tunnels placed underground can incorrectly connect with structures placed on upper grounds despite not path existing
  • [ACEO-40131] - Stair truck category not consisten across vehicle panels
  • [ACEO-40137] - Fetching default historical statistic data can in rare instances invoke null reference exception
  • [ACEO-40140] - Stands appear as disconnected for an extended time after loading

If everything looks good we’ll dump it on the default branch tomorrow! :slight_smile: