Airport Staff don't go to check-in stands

I have a terminal dedicated to small stands, with it’s own security check point and check-in desks. But I realized that after I activated the auto-scheduler, the airport staff did not go to the check-in desks. therefore, passengers are unable to board. The scheduled flights arrive, passengers deboard, but they don’t board, because they weren’t able to check-in.
Also, the check-in desks show no flights scheduled.
What am i doing wrong?

I think I’m right in saying that the game cannot handle two secure zones right now. I know its the open areas check-in desks are. Also is their sidewalk between the two areas?

Yes. I have checked the zoning and it’s alright.
Also, it was working before, even when I had 3 terminal working at the same time.

What have you changed? Did the AS put flights on to the planner? Can you manually plan one?

As far as I can remember, just the enabled the AS. I turned off the AS, scheduled some flights manually, but nothing changed.

Hmmm, not sure. I tend not to use AS as I find it can mess things up. Do you have a previous version you can revert back to?

I’m not going to use it anymore. It scheduled all flights in the same hour, causing delays due to increased movement.
It’s not worth reverting to a previous savegame. My airport expanded a lot and i don’t want to build everything again. I’ll try to find a way.

The game can, just make sure to totally separate them and make sure the staff can get in and out decently.

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