Baggage bay not working, HELP!

Hey guys! So i’m pretty new to this but when i was playing all worked fine until the red ¨Baggage not working sign came up on my baggage claim and the baggage bay, the baggage bay meets all it’s requirements and everything is connected right i think… Please help me!

Because you are connecting belts to the wrong side of baggage belt.

Yeah, what EG said. Try connecting them here:

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Good point, this is maybe not entirely obvious. Will have to add some arrows there.


Ohhh come on :man_facepalming: Don’t make things overdrawnly easy. Let people learn, try and take lessons from their mistakes.


Maybe add a “block head” like a train rails dead end, then you see it wont go over it.

Or just add validation tools… oops repeating myself ;)…

How did the ramp agents get there? Not seeing a secure zone on the sidewalks outside?


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