Baggage Loading Truck Thought

I love the new updates that came out with the remote stands. I have not had too many problems with the new trucks, but did have a thought/feedback. I find that even though we have baggage loading trucks, I do not find it to be saving all that much time-saving. It utilizes the same amount of ramp agents, and they still operate in the same method: each 1 carrying over 1 piece of luggage, with quite some distance between the baggage carrying truck, and the loading truck. I think it would be great if it could be looked into to having the trucks be way closer together allowing for a rapid “daisy-chain” type of loading. That is what I have noticed in all my flight travels. Right now it seems like it was more for looks and not so much operational, and if that was the intent, my bad!


I disagree. I see quite amount of time saving with belt loader. You can see it on especially before departure. Before belt loader was included, the return was delayed by loading baggages. But now loading baggages finish and I gain at least 30 min before departure.

This is the first setup, devs want to be sure first that all new parts (stands/trucks/busses/etc) are working correctly and are stable. After that they will look into more detailed options like more animations, other/more busses, front and back loading of PAX on bigger planes, etc. Agree with both @parillos and @EG0611, some more animation and operational benefits would be great, but indeed the operation is already a bit better, at least if the truck is on time :smile:

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I actually did a cost and time analysis on it. It is quite a bit quicker with the ramp loader. However, it costs you to use it. It’s efficiency is less than the cost to run on bag movements.

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Thanks guys, I guess I’m just oblivious to it, my bad.

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