Broader fuel system

Feature request title:

Broader fuel system


A broader fuel system with more options, each having a certain benefit. Examples:

  • More ‘realistic’ fuel capacities and information. Each aircraft should request a certain amount of fuel in liters (not percentages), and will request a truck. Each truck should only carry a reasonable amount of liters (looking at you delivery truck with 400,000 liters), creating a more interesting traffic flow.
  • A contract consists of a flat-rate for an X amount of liters, with a higher rate for any more. You have to pay for the X amount of liters, so the CEO should find a contract which fits the needs of the airport.
  • The current depot will act as an overflow, excess fuel will be stored and it will be refilled by several delivery truck per day depending on the desired fill-percentage. Alternatively an upgrade should be available to establish a pipeline between an off-site refinery and the depot, removing the need for delivery trucks and reducing the delivery costs of the fuel.
  • The CEO should be presented with fluctuations in fuel prices. Fuel could be purchased in bulk to obtain a discount, but it would require constant management from the CEO.
  • More options for refueling should probably be part of the overhaul, pump trucks and direct pipelines to stands along with advantages for using certain fuel trucks (faster maneuvering with a solid truck bed, more capacity with a separate trailer, increased fill-rate with pump trucks).

Why it should be implemented:

When starting off the game you build a depot, buy a fuel truck and sign a fuel contract. You then play the game for a bit with your fuel setup, unlock some new R&D and expand to Medium aircraft. Finally after a few hours you check for a cheaper contract and switch to that contract to then never look at the fuel system again. The current system is dull and requires no management from the player.

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