Bug degivrage


It looks like you’re going to make a post in the Support category. We have a lot of members who would like to help out and if you include some pictures in your first post showing your issues and the layout of your airport you might get help a lot faster.

You can remove this text before posting. Thanks! :airplane:

bonjour je un bug avec le dégivrage je joint une photo merci

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(Hello, this is an English language forum, if you could please translate it from French, we could help you faster. Thanks.)

Les stands de dégivrage ne peuvent être utilisés en taxiway. Donc une fois que le dégivrage n’est plus nécessaire, les avions ne peuvent plus le traverser, et comme tu as un taxiway à sens unique pour y accéder, les avions se retrouvent bloqués. Soit tu retires le sens unique, soit tu rajoutes un taxiway en plus parallèle aux stands de dégivrages pour que les avions puissent rejoindre la piste.

Deicing stands are non-traversable if no deicing is required. If an aircraft is already engaged into this one-way taxiway, he can’t get a path to the runway anymore. You should either remove the one-way sign or add another path parallel to the deicing pads to allow the aircrafts to go through.


Has it always been like this? I could have sworn I had planes passing through without service in the past…

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