CEO Payment and Achivments

So, in game, you make your own CEO, which can be seen in game. This CEO takes up some of your money, like any other employee.
My idea is that the CEO has an sorta, bank account.(or, to be more precise, a storage, in terms of a programing nerd)
From here, there could be multiple things you can do. Lets say, there is an achievement in game called
Bilionairport=Your airport reached a billion dollar bills(excluding the beginning grant)
There could also be an achievement called:
BillionAIRe=Your CEO has a billion dollar bills in his bank account.
From this idea you could get creative, and make secondary game modes like : CEO House…(I am not creative, school drained all of it.)Either way, this might be too complex atm. So I guess it could be possible in the far future.

Or go all tropico… Take bribes and put them on your private account…


Maybe, you could have a separate tab that allowed your CEO to buy things. The properties and items owned worked with the happiness of passengers, employees and other related factors to produce a CEO happiness meter.

Well…I don`t really see a reason to bribe an Airport CEO…

No? Building a runway for 110% of the regular price…
I’ve read about enough contractor scandals :slight_smile:


But like I said before, achievements are completely unrealistic.


It depends. There are many games that have achievements that have nothing to do with how to play the game.

But having achievements like ‘1000 passengers departed’ or something like that… would almost come natural :slight_smile:

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