Checkin Desk for multiple flights

Is it possible that one desk can be open to check-in pax for 2 flights? For example I don’t feel it’s necessary to have 1 desk per small stand as sometimes I have a max of 11 pax.

Would be great to be able to actually manage the desks more as a CEO - like the ability to select how many staff per desk per flight. I know currently we can have 1 or 2 set to the desk but as the desks are auto-assigned it’s pretty hard to manage.

Would love to hear how fellow CEO’s run an effective check in.


I agree! :+1:t3: Especially for the small planes it should be possible to have something like a common checkin desk with multiple airlines.


Agreed, on the other hand if the check in desk, run for multiple gates, then they have the issue that they must be specified. What we really need is Airlines having their own check in desk and gates as in real life.

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