Countries missing cities?

While I was watching 3rd gameplay video for 28th time, I noticed that some countries on airport location selection map are missing cities like: Slovakia,Latvia,Lithuania or Estonia. I know these are small countries, but they still need at least two cities each like: Slovakia-Bratislava and Košice, Latvia-Riga and Liepaja, Lithuania-Vilnius and Kaunas, Estonia-Tallinn and Tartu. I know DEVs have more important things to do, but I think this should be fixed some time later.

I think it shows only larger cities at max zoom out, i noticed when they zoomed in more and more additional cities appeared. They did the most zoom in USA compated to Europe or Asia. They could be there, just wasn’t zoomed in enough.

I thought about it too, but they used the exact same zoom on Austria and Czech Republic and they had even small cities, but Slovakia didnt have even its capital city. Czech Republic had Ostrava and Brno which are smaller then Slovakias capital

Ah maybe you are right, need to watch that part again. Maybe they saw the movie Hostel and don’t like Bratislava.

I presume it’s just the way that the map has loaded. It won’t necessarily load every single city, or even significant cities for each country, but will load relevant settlements based on the level of zoom and part of the world. I’m assuming that this is a map software sourced externally rather than something the devs have created themselves.

Ultimately, zoom in far enough and you’ll get much more detail. And even if you can’t, you can pinpoint your airport to anywhere on the globe - :grinning: so the cities only really serve as a guide.

I agree with you guys the map is wrong and there is probably nothing DEVs can do about it.

Could perhaps find another map, although it’s not a priority and actually it would be worthwhile seeing how we like it when we get hands on it.

The map is a third party software. We have no real control over how it loads but I can check if there is any specific settings that can be changed.

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Why don’t you use Google Maps? Do they have a copyright thing or what? I think Google Maps is more efficent and has a better map

Hey Fredrick where you pick will that also influence terrain?

Does this really matter? We’ve already heard previously that cities are just places where workers and passengers come from and go to, with no distinction given to the size of that city or its true geographic location (air strada flight from sudan) sure people want to be able to build their hometown airport, but if you just put it on the map in the same sort of area where your town is, is that not in essence the same thing?

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