DevLog 73: Video Reponses, Bug Squashing Fest and Stability Testing and Weather

Being jetlagged doesn’t always have to be bad. Just finished writing this at 3AM and I’m not even tired! Can’t wait heading off to bed and stare at the roof.



Progress is definitely moving :+1:t3::+1:t3:

Nothing about Steam Direct? Has this been initated yet?


Hmmm kinda was expecting some news about the next step in the Steam process as well.


here take this :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag: in exchange for :video_game::video_game::video_game:This by the end of this year


I was hoping by end of July, looking less and less likely.

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Yup here too. I like the progress tough!
I think the weather panel is a bit difficult to read.
Especially the 10 days row.

I can not wait to play lt!!! Have any news about that?

Keep up the wonderful progress! Will more logical routes also mean that route length increases as your airport increases in size/prominence?

Also happy to see the weather system is back (in some form at least). 280.1 C seems quite hot ;)!

So many bug fixes and so many new things :open_mouth: But I don’t understand what this means:

Tear has been re-implemented on stands

Also one more thing is that, weather forecast system seems complex to understand for me. I don’t know it is only for me but I felt that way.

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From that screenshot of the Skylink plane at the gate, it looks like some damage or wear and tear has occured to the pavement. I assume this is what was meant.

Are you still choosing and implementing more business design submissions? I’m assuming a complete reveal of the accepted designs is only coming once you’re done making selections.

I told myself that I have time till the game releases, so i can go through the development logs a few per day to get an idea of the game progress and functionality

Finished 72 dev logs in 2 days. And so perfect, finished number 72, and 73 came out.

Take 2 guys, give them no funding and no dedicated time to work, and they will come up with this game in 2 years… Unbelievable.

You can bet that I will be one of the first to buy it when it comes out

We will meet with our bank on Thursday to clear out the final details. We did not expect this to take so long time but due to Swedish Midsummer and our contact person being on holiday, the bank could not meet until this week.Unfortunately, nothing we could do really but I would expect submission to be completed by Thursday evening or early Friday.

Ups, yes need to take a look at that…

Yes we are still selecting. It takes a bit of time but we will reveal all the winners once we are done.[quote=“Nielskuhh, post:7, topic:2022”]
I think the weather panel is a bit difficult to read.
Especially the 10 days row.

Okay, will look into that.


Can we get a boarding pass design contest going? lol


Every airline should have its own boarding pass design?



I even designed my Wedding invitation to look like a Boarding pass.


Nice work you guys!
Have to agree on the weather forecast, the later today ain’t really specific. It is not showing any timestamps when what weather is coming.

The temperature in the “right now” section are normal. but in the 10 day forecast i see temperatures of 280 degrees celsius.
That is a big heat wave :rofl:, i’m pretty sure this is a error because with those temperatures there will be no life on earth


Yes, as we wrote in the text, the panel is not finished. Sometimes when we do the devlogs we are in the middle of developing something and then that particular thing comes packed with inaccuracies. We are fully aware of all of them! :slight_smile:

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Do they always though? Loads of them use standard designs with a logo printed on. Particularly where the airport has only got a few flights from that airline - for example I recently got a generic boarding pass from flyBe at Stuttgart (who operate one flight a day, sometimes two). At the hubs you’re obviously much more likely to get proper preprinted stock, as I did on the way out from Birmingham, but the return boarding pass was completely generic.