Directional taxiway nodes (Resolved)


Is it just me or do planes ignore the directional arrows of the taxiway nodes?

See screenshots :slight_smile:

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Could be. Maybe it was coded with not obeying one ways on some deadlock cases by devs. The best idea is to create a bug report and send it to them

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Ok will do, it is occuring on most plane movements so easy to recreate :slight_smile:

Thank you

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I’ve had that too. Though in my case I knew why.

It hapens to me too

I wondered about ignored one way nodes too.

But meanwhile I think these one way nodes get lost when reloading a game. If I set them, aircrafts seem to obey them. If I reload the game, they won’t obey them anymore. If I reset these one way nodes they get obeyed again.
Not sure though, if distance of the one way node from it’s junction matters.

Just my observation on a first sight, not tested in detail.

Btw., I’ve already sent an bug report via this ingame tool about these ignored one way nodes. Since then I made this observation. Does anyone know if I can update my bug report?

I have found a bug which doesn’t properly set the directions when loading a save. This has been fixed and will be deployed in the next version.


A fix for this issue should be out on the experimental branch as of now.


@Fredrik and @Olof

Amazing tech support throughout this development. One of the best early access developments I have been a part of.

Thank you

nb. I have edited it for the grammar policeman @dewitjur


I can’t control the grammar nazi in me, it’s ‘a part’, not ‘apart’:policeman:

Not really necessary to correct someone in a public forum, however he who casts the first stone and all that. “doubleclicking”, “savefile” are both actually two words not one and the the “i” should be capitalised. Sorry couldn’t stop the grammer nazi in me… now lets look at the sentence “What i would like to see as a minor thing, is to select a savefile with doubleclicking it”. I know what you are trying to say, however you have not used the correct words to convey it…

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That’s more vocabulary then grammar.

Capitalisation of an I is not vocabulary…time for someone to go back to school and learn their abc’s again :slight_smile: good evening little one.