Game stutters on 6.1.0, ACEO-40767


Since the last update I am experiencing a 1 second game freeze every few seconds.

My system:
Windows 10
I9-9900K @ 4.7GHz
All drivers are up-to-date

Nothing else is running in the back. I tried a new save, restarted the game and lowered the settings.

Could it be the constant 100% memory usage by the game, as shown underneath?

How big is your airport?

990x990. I wonder, because yesterday I didn’t experience these stutters.

What is your Vsync setting?

It’s switched off. I tried with it switched on, but that didn’t change the stuttering. Quality levels also do not change this.

Can you show a screen of the standard Task Manager Performance tab with the game running?


Does this happen on a new save?

Unfortunately, yes!
I tried multiple new and previous saves.

Very strange, I have half the specs of your machine and cannot reproduce this issue, runs smooth here on new and old saves. Have you tried reinstalling the game?

Yes, very weird that this appeared today! I just reinstalled the game, but the stutters are still there. I just tried other heavier games, but this only occurs to ACEO unfortunately. Can I send you anything else to get this sorted?

You can file a bug report on a new save where it happens so we can take a look at the raw data.

Okay, done! ACEO-40767. Thanks!

This appears to be a somewhat large airport, but it happens on a completely clean map too without any passengers or buildings?

It does not occur on a new empty map. It’s weird that it only happens since today without having expanded the airport.
But there is something else which is weird: I just created a new save after reinstalling the game. Then I reloaded this save and noticed that the freezes where almost gone. As an experiment I made another new save. While reloading this save, the game crashed. After I restarted the game, both saves were freezing again. Since I am not able to get a save without these freezes. Possibly it’s related to the saves?!

Okay, not sure, we need to test your save a bit. What about construction? Do you have a bunch of ongoing construction? It is sometimes known to create spikes on very large maps.

Yeah, it would be nice if it could get sorted! I am not constructing anything at the moment.

Is there not an employee or construction worker stuck? That it locked himself in? And a contentiously stream of contractor buses I’ve had that before and path finding goes haywire!

See this topic: [SOLVED] Contractors do not work - #8 by jasperwillem

Thanks for your reply! I have no issues with pathfinding, but with the game freezing.

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