I hope in the final version there will be an option to adjust the Font size in the menu

Would be nice for us fellas that are getting on up there. :wink:

Right now it is possible to read it but some of the menus and words are a bit small and hard to read.


Devs will work on User Interface soon. Maybe it will solve the problem at all :slight_smile:


Maybe the font size can be derived from windows default, then people with disabilities can use apparatus for reading / listening too.

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Thanks for the reply. Its not a huge issue but certainly something I noticed when I started the game back up. Probably wouldn’t be an issue if I were still in my 30s but since I have hit my 40s, the old eyesight is not what it use to be. :wink:

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We’ve done a slight font adjusting to the experimental branch, so make sure to check that one out. Additionally, we will start supporting Retina screens soon which should give you some relief if you are on one of those. :slight_smile:

And yes, the UI will very much get overhauled and font sizes will be a lot better adjusted there.


Can we have any hint about the new UI? :grinning::joy::+1:

While you’re working on different screens, will you add the option to use dual monitor? It Would look nice if i could put the flightplanner up on a second screen so i wouldn’t have to close it all the time.

Not yet… :wink: … okay, one hint: It will be better.

I don’t think we’ll be able to squeeze that feature in, sorry. Perhaps in the future if its a requested enough feature!

But what about Borderless Fullscreen? It has many features and very useful for players (like me) who have to use f.lux.

What do you mean? Border less full screen to me sounds like the default non-windowed mode?

Imagine fullscreen AirportCEO on 1920x1080 monitor while you can still access to other tabs, internet browser or etc… on your next monitor.

That would be nice, in such a way that your Airport CEO would not go to taksbar while you browse, pauze your movie, etc…

Exactly. You can monitor your airport during night time while you adjust online radio to your favorite station or watch some youtube videos.

Or also monitor AirportCEO forum/discord to see new posts. (Yes I do it a lot)

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Same, always have forum/email/facebook/movie/settings open on other screens while A-CEO open.


Olof, Thank you for the reply. I am on the Experimental branch but not sure if your adjustment was before or after I saw it.

I am not on a Retina Screen at this time but great to hear. :wink:

Thanks for all yalls hard work and for your interaction with us fans. Its awesome.

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If you want to change font size and fonts you could do that in the files.

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