Melbourne Chanroe Airport (MCA)

Designed to compete with its domestic rivals, mainly Perth International Airport designed by @awtkn, Melbourne has decided to make a new airport! This airport has all types of sizes, light, medium, and wide body as well as commercial and general aviation. The airport is designed in a way that makes it so there is not a single delay, and all of this was built with only 3 million dollars. Not bad for an Australian airport. The airport was heavily inspired by Perth International as well as the first generation of this airport in Iceland, Iceland Chanroe Airport. Safe flying! :slight_smile:

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No pressure :wink:

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lol. How do you access screenshots after doing ctrl + f12?

I just remove the interface by pressing fn+f4 and then command+shift+3 to take a .png screenshot instead

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Oh. So you can’t do ctrl + f12?

You can, but have to upload pics through steam first rather than directly from your desktop. Speaking as a Mac user here

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Oh, I am a windows 10 user.

How do you upload the screenshot to steam and then to your desktop? I have no experience here.

It says I can’t upload my screenshots, so I will post camera to camera screenshots instead. Very sorry! :hushed:

Why is this in off topic. Souldn’t it be in airport designs???

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How did I forget that. :man_facepalming: You saw nothing. :lying_face: I will fix it right now. :slight_smile:

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