Question about new patch and experimental mode

Hello there, i’m in love with this game and i’m happy to join this community.
I start with a question about the new changes that you every monday write on your development blog.
Question is:

Can i see this new changes in my actual game?
Or does it only happen when you make a new patch?
So to see this new changes, i should pass to “experimental” mode, right?

I know this is a stupid question, but i don’t know how it works and i’m trying to understand it.
Thank you for attention

Anyway, compliments and keep going!!

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Yes you need to change to experimental branch BUT it is not suggested for new players since experimental could have many game breaking bugs and it may even break the save file. So experienced players should prefer to play with experimental.


Really thank u for your speed and attention <3
I follow u, have good work!


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