Too many people in the runway

I discovered the F10 key!
and by chance, I hit the “Spawn 10K Test passengers” button. Now there are so many people on the track. How can I get back?
Thank you!

Having a backup of the game save is one way. Not saving with the 10K PAX and just reloading the save as well :slight_smile:

And reading the huge red letters in bold type that says, you can break your game doing this!!! I guess, it’s sometimes fun to break things and then fix them… now if we could only get natural disaster events like in Sim City… you know… Godzilla rolls through the terminal, people screaming, fires staring, airline rating plummeting… the possiblities are really endless… no idea what that sort of thing would do to the pax pathing though :wink:

Like this game, I LOST sooooo many hours to Sim City…

and by chance, I hit the “Spawn 10K Test passengers” button. Now there are so many people on the track. How can I get back?

Moral of story; Always have a backup before clicking mysterious buttons :rofl:

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This game dwarfed sim cit a long time ago… it’s approaching Warcraft now…

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