Will airport location affect how many airlines want to come?

Hello, my first post. Will where you make your airport affect how busy your airport is? For example making an airport in a rural area in the middle of South Dakota would be a much quieter airport then one in new York city or London?


No, not yet

That would be a cool concept though based on flights and layovers and what not.

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Since you are building your airport from scratch, you will always start off with a low airport rating, irrespective of the location.
As you handle more flights and make sure that passengers are happy, your rating rises and you get more, bigger and better offers.
Atleast in theory. This model has been confirmed by the devs, but I am not sure the full extent to which this has been implemented

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This is about 2 months old, but is the latest word from the devs on this matter

That makes sense and all but there would be less pax that would want to go to a rural area or fly out of it so wouldn’t it make the airport less busy. I hope it doesn’t honestly cause I’d love to make a airport where I live.

Don’t think that should be an issue. Number of passengers depends on the type of aircraft and number of aircrafts coming to your airport, and that depends on the contracts you sign. Contracts depend on the airport rating.
Rating depends on your performance, and not location.

So far as I know, your airport location is used to generate specific weather (Planned, But May Or May Not Be Implemented), to generate realistic flights (point of origin of flight depends on aircraft range, so can only come from a city at x distance away from your airport), and to have realistic fuel consumption of the incoming aircraft (PBMOMNBI)

I hope not, while it may not be realistic, it will add more variety.
Like, here in Romania we have mostly WizzAir planes. And I am sick of em.
Seriously, this is all what I had seen on the skies during my 13 years of life!


Same here in Slovakia we have only freakin WizzAir and Ryanair, its nearly all we see.

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Perhaps a simple coefficient multiplier for passenger traffic based on distance from major cities? Say for every 100km away passenger traffic is cut in half. I don’t know how difficult that would be to implement, as I’m not knowledgeable on coding, but it doesn’t sound terribly hard.

the problem is most likely getting the data that is Open Source showing were population is, then you would have to add it to a map and would get messy quite fast…

That’s an interesting idea. It would be pretty realistic, but I think it’s better how it is now because if it’s your airport, you should choose where it is and the choice shouldn’t be influenced by where you’ll get the most passengers and profit.

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You wouldnt need to know where population. Just where the airfields are and their passenger spawn rate

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