Airport CEO: Pre-Alpha Gameplay Video (Part 1)

Still in development, think this has been mentioned? Pricing and economy calibration is one of the latter things before release we’ll do. All systems are in place and functioning, they just need appropriate values! :slight_smile:

Handymen will not be able to construct larger structures, but instead build smaller items and perform maintenance. You could for example just call in contractors to build the structures and, if you deem it economically favorable, have your handymen construct the interiors. They’re also there so that you don’t need to call in the cavalry if you just want to build a new shop, or something.

Yes, we have a layering system in place which also controls different access to different areas. Contractors need to be able to go everywhere as they must be able to reach their construction sites, but passengers cannot cross open zone to secure zone, for example. We’ll most likely advance the path finder over time so that it prioritizes walking over crosswalks and walking on certain objects, rather than just crossing over the world per the closest path.

We’ll look into that as we move on. Modular security stations is of course the best solution but might require some time to implement as mentioned. Not sure if it would be better to just do modular from scratch, than some half-baked half-assed solution that’s not meant to be used as we move ahead.

This is kind of a similar discussion as to modular security, as of now there’s one desk but the desk (will) be able to handle two queues. But building very custom and complex boarding gate layouts sounds like something we’d look into further down the road.

As mentioned, there’s different types of foundations. Grass, concrete and asphalt! :slight_smile:

I’ll let @Fredrik handle this one.

It is possible to place singel-way roads but, and as of now vehicles can travel on them, but we currently have no system for indicating the direction. This is something that we’ll polish before release! :slight_smile:

The tilt trays automatically handle the direction based on the luggage’s (optimal) path, thus they are automatically shifted to either direction based on path to baggage bay or if the tilt tray is simply set to offload. This is something we aim to go deeper into in the third video.

Haha, very true, and this was fixed yesterday. We had an undiscovered bug where essentially all generated persons were between 10 to 15 years old… :smiley:


I must say, the video was great, but like everyone, I noticed a few small bugs and glitches. :neutral_face:

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Of course! It’s a pre-alpha build, so there’s bound to be a lot of glitches, bugs and unpolished aspects. That’s also why it’s not released, and why we still got some work to do before a release. It is important for us that we’ve done a lot of testing to make sure that we’re not releasing a buggy and crashing product.


Excited for the game, and not to rush you as I know forcing a deadline can cause programming issues, but are you still hoping for a Q1 early access?

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We’ll address that on Monday! :slight_smile: :wink:


Holy smokes!!! That was an impressive video over the features it already has!!! I’m so hyped about it :smile:

I got one question:
When is the Part 2 of the Pre-Alpha Gameplay video coming? I’m so hyped about it :smiley:

greetings from the Netherlands :smile:


Yeah, you’re correct, obvisouly we’ll have to take some shortcuts in regards to simulation versus realism. Contractors is one of those shortcuts, they are free to walk across security borders and will not queue up for security stations. Employees like airport staff and janitors however do. This is at least how we are going to keep it for now.


imagine the contractors go on strike even though you don’t employ them well call a different contracting company we need bulldozers

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Hai, I got one more question… Maybe a little stupid one but it still is a question.

What does Q1 mean. As you wrote in your expected early access release date?

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@Woutervangerven :wink:

First quarter of the year, Q1: 1 January – 31 March (90 days or 91 days in leap years)


Why not adding sort of employees/contractor security station? So if installed, they won’t use pax security capacity

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Maybe they can add in a later version indeed a ‘staff security entrance’ for pilots, airport staff, contractors, … :smiley:

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Thx man! Thats only like 19 days wow! lets hope it wil be the first Quarter :smiley:

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I know, but there’s no guarantee on that! The devs said that they will give more information on this tomorrow. :slight_smile:

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Just to brace you guys… I think the Q1 date may lapse just a little bit. This is not inside info, and it’d be great if the devs proved me wrong in 24h time, but I just get the feeling they’ll push it back a little bit more to get to the stage they’ll be happy with.

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Based on the release and chaos of SimAirport I HOPE it is not released in q1.

Yes I desperately want to give ACEO a play and help its development, but I think they should be a 100% ready here for the first release and unlike SimAirport, switch off the developers head and play the game itself for an hour and see what happens.


But they both cannot rule out all bugs. Game will require extreme testing as a bug may show up on one instance but not other time on the same instance. So the best way is to solve only the game breaking bugs before release. And then solve the minor once as they show up in the community.


I’m quite sure that - even after seeing that great video and how fine everything worked there - there will be a huge amount of bugs that will be discovered after they provide the game to others.

In the video the people who created that software showed us how to use the software. And of course they know how they intended others to use the software and just use these pathways. Of course everything looks well in this case.


will we be able to have more than one contractor company onsite ?

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Too soon as in they took on the job almost immediately with a crate that was already there :slight_smile:
In my mind a crate is brought by truck for a specific job. Seeing someone pick up a crate that was already there to do a job you just created… eels wrong to me :slight_smile:

Edit: So no, i don’t expect them to discuss anything, i expect them to respect that a crate was brought in for a specific job